Monday, March 13, 2017

Google Forms; Grade 6

Utah State Core Curriculum Standards:
Standard 1: Students will understand how ancient civilizations developed and how they contributed to the current state of the world.
EdTech Standards:
 Standard 2
Discuss common uses of technology in daily life and advantages and disadvantages those uses provide.
ISTE Standards:
Knowledge Constructor: I critically select, evaluate and synthesize digital resources into a collection that reflects my learning and builds my knowledge.

I loved using this tool. It is such an easy way to create a quiz. I love that I can add pictures and the template is already set up for me. It saves a lot of time and is very helpful! This could be a great time saver for both students and teachers. It is a great way to test students knowledge. It is also quick and easy to use. It will save a lot of paper with it being online, which also saves money. I love that you can personalize it and make it your own. This tool was very easy for me to use, which I love. If I know how to use it, then my students would be able to for the most part as well. I love that you can choose different types of responses for each question as well such as, multiple choice, free response, check boxes, etc. It is also a great way for students to check and see where they are at with the curriculum. They will be able to see what they need to work on and study. I also love this subject because it is something in history that students can apply now. The Roman Technologies were invented by them and still used today. Students are also able to see this with some of the pictures in this google form since the pictures are pictures of their world today. This tool is very helpful! This will definitely be a tool I will try to use in my future classroom.

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