Saturday, February 11, 2017

Google Docs: Grade 6

I used the google docs tool. This tool is very helpful and one of the basic skills students need to learn. They will be able to write stories, reports, research papers, etc. using this tool. It is also a very simple tool to learn. It is similar to Word, which I started using in first grade. This tool is also great to demonstrate on, which is what I did for my example of a country report.
ISTE Standard
Empowered Learner
I use technology to set goals, word toward achieving them and demonstrate my learning.
UEN EdTech 
Standard 1
Use keyboards and other common input and output devices (including adaptive devices when necessary) efficiently and effectively. (1)
Utah Core Standards
Standard 1
Students will understand how ancient civilizations developed and how they contributed to the current state of the world.
Google Docs: Country Report
Image result for world 

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