Monday, March 27, 2017

Padlet Grade 5

Utah Core Standards
Standard 3
Students will understand the rights and responsibilities guaranteed in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
UEN EdTech Standard
 Standard 8
Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. (5, 6)
ISTE Standard
Knowledge Constructor: I critically select, evaluate and synthesize digital resources into a collection that reflects my learning and builds my knowledge.

I chose these standards because using this lesson, students will learn about The Bill of Rights and they will work together to come up with multiple examples of freedoms we have today that people did not used to have. They are using an education software for self-directed learning. This connects to the EdTech Standard. They will use this technology to have access to The Bill of Rights and be able to read about the rights we gained as a country. They will be using this digital resource to reflect their learning and build their knowledge of The Bill of Rights, which connects to the ISTE Standard.

This tool is simple and helpful. I was able to post a question at the top and put a picture with it so the students were able to see and read The Bill of Rights and reflect on it. They can refer back to this which is a great reason for using technology. I believe that it is important for students to understand how privileged we are in the U.S. compared to many other countries. We have so many freedoms and rights. We are so lucky to live here. It is also important to show this because we can learn from the past. Although we have many new and great ideas, it is still important to go back to our original background and keep those foundations. This country was built on a strong foundation with much patriotism and I believe the question that was presented on this tool will help students see and discuss that. Student will be able to see how the Bill of Rights has helped shape our country to what it is today. They will understand how important it is to their everyday lives and how these Rights apply to them. I would put them into groups so they could learn from each other as well as themselves.
Padlet Bill of Rights

  Image result for bill of rights list

Pictochart Grade 6

Utah Core Standards
Reading: Literature Standard 5
Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.
UEN EdTech Standards
 Standard 9
Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems. (5, 6)
ISTE Standards
Empowered Learner: I use technology to set goals, work toward achieving them and demonstrate my learning.

I used pictochart to show the 4 elements of a story. Each student would make their own diagram using the pictures they want and that would help them remember what theme, plot, setting, and character are. They would be able to personalize it and remember these elements of a story because they understand what the pictures are and how they relate. This is why I chose the standards I did. For the core standards they are looking at the different elements of a story and how each of those apply. For the EdTech standard, they will be using this pictochart tool which is an appropriate tool to help them address a task of writing a story. They will be able to see each part of the story. For the ISTE standard I chose Empowered Learner because they are using technology to demonstrate their learning by using pictochart.

I liked this tool because it is a good way to show and simplify tasks. You can use pictures which is great because I feel like most people learn better when they can see examples. You could use this for basically any subject. There are always major things you need to know in each subject. As far as using the tool in my class, I would probably just make one that works for the subject I am teaching and have it hanging in my class so that my students could see it every day and refer back to it. I had teachers that had key points to story writing up on their wall and I still remember them. It has helped me throughout all my schooling. Pictochart could be used in businesses as well, not just in school. It would be a great way to show employees the main ideas of that company or rules that must be followed. It can be used for everyday life in the home for chores as well. You can really use it in a lot of aspects of life. I found it to be a very useful tool.
Story Elements Pictochart
 Image result for piktochart

Monday, March 13, 2017

Google Forms; Grade 6

Utah State Core Curriculum Standards:
Standard 1: Students will understand how ancient civilizations developed and how they contributed to the current state of the world.
EdTech Standards:
 Standard 2
Discuss common uses of technology in daily life and advantages and disadvantages those uses provide.
ISTE Standards:
Knowledge Constructor: I critically select, evaluate and synthesize digital resources into a collection that reflects my learning and builds my knowledge.

I loved using this tool. It is such an easy way to create a quiz. I love that I can add pictures and the template is already set up for me. It saves a lot of time and is very helpful! This could be a great time saver for both students and teachers. It is a great way to test students knowledge. It is also quick and easy to use. It will save a lot of paper with it being online, which also saves money. I love that you can personalize it and make it your own. This tool was very easy for me to use, which I love. If I know how to use it, then my students would be able to for the most part as well. I love that you can choose different types of responses for each question as well such as, multiple choice, free response, check boxes, etc. It is also a great way for students to check and see where they are at with the curriculum. They will be able to see what they need to work on and study. I also love this subject because it is something in history that students can apply now. The Roman Technologies were invented by them and still used today. Students are also able to see this with some of the pictures in this google form since the pictures are pictures of their world today. This tool is very helpful! This will definitely be a tool I will try to use in my future classroom.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Mind Mapping Grade 6

Social Studies; Grade 6 

Common Core Standards
Standard 1
Students will understand how ancient civilizations developed and how they contributed to the current state of the world.

 EdTech Standards
Standard 9
Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems. (5, 6)

ISTE Standards
Knowledge Constructor
I critically select, evaluate and synthesize digital resources into a collection that reflects my learning and builds my knowledge.

Italy Mind Map

I loved this tool! It is super easy to use, which is great for me! Since it was easy for my I know that my future students would be able to use it to. The way that I used it was to make notes on a country, in this case, Italy. I was also able to add pictures with each note and you simply just have to click on the arrow in the note to get to the picture. This could be used for a country project. Each student could use this mind mapping tool to keep notes and key points about their country. You can also print it out so they would be able to have it in class. I liked how much you could personalize it. I used it to make the colors of the Italian flag, but you could also use it to organize things like, history, population, culture, etc. The reason I chose these standards are because in this project you can use it to make notes of how ancient civilizations developed, it uses technology as a tool for resources and can address tasks and problems, and it uses technology that reflects what you are learning. I loved how much you could personalize this tool even if it is just for your notes and key points. I love making these type of things my own so I really enjoyed using this tool. Students could also use it as a visual in their projects or even use this tool later in life for their own notes they need to remember. This tool can be used for many different purposes.
Image result for italy

Tiki Toki Grade 4

Utah Core Standards:
Standard 2
Students will understand how Utah's history has been shaped by many diverse people, events, and ideas
ISTE Standards:
Empowered Learner
I use technology to set goals, work toward achieving them and demonstrate my learning.
EdTech Standards: 
Standard 5
Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)

Utah History Timeline

This website was really cool. It makes it really easy to set up a timeline for students to see. It could be used for anything. You could even use it as a way to see dates for upcoming assignments in class if you really wanted to. Which gives this tool even more purpose. I used it for a Utah history timeline. I showed what it was before and after becoming a state. I was able to link websites with the timelines as well. This is nice because then students are able to learn more about that specific event and they are able to watch videos and see pictures of them. This tool is something I would definitely consider using in my classroom, mainly for history, but it would be cool to use for day to day use as well. A coach might even use this to show days for workouts and then put the workouts in the description. The possibilities really are endless for all the different things you could use it for in the world. Overall I think it is a good tool because it is easy to use, students have a visual, and students can learn more from the websites about these events and from the pictures and videos.
 Image result for utah

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Animoto Grade 6

FACS: Strand 3
Students will discuss and participate in activities regarding family, individual care and development of children and interpersonal relationships.
Standards 1 & 3
Standard 1
Examine attributes and issues related to family life and the skills needed to enhance independent living.
 Standard 3
Identify aspects related to the care and development of children.
ISTE Standards
Creative Communicator: I communicate effectively and express myself creatively using different tools, styles, formats and digital media.
Educational Technology:
Standard 8
Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. (5, 6)

I used the animoto website to create videos to introduce the standards we would be learning about in class. Some of these include learning how to balance time between family, career, and leisure activities. Having effective communication between family, and more.
This tool is very helpful for introducing a subject or showing and explaining how to do a project. I learn better by seeing something done and not just by an explanation. I believe this tool would help students who are also in my same shoes. They are able to see what they are learning about and what they need to do if I used the tool to explain how to do a project. It would have been helpful for me to have this tool used in my past classrooms. The one downfall is it looks like you have to upgrade in order to remove the water mark. Other than that I loved this tool! I also enjoyed using the different styles and templates to explore what they had to offer. It was also very fun to get to use my own music because it makes the project my own. The pictures shown make it more applicable to life because they are pictures from my own personal experiences. This makes it easier to apply to life.

Creation: Tool of Choice (Canva) Grade 3

ISTE Standards Creative Communicator: I communicate effectively and express myself creatively using different tools, styles, formats, and d...